

What a hot hot day today. I'm thinking to do something rather than just rolling on the bed and burned slowly.

I was thinking to be a fashion stylist because I love to mix & match stuffs on Looklet and Polyvore, but it didn't work out for my real life because I don't have enough cutie fashion stuffs. No fulu$, you know. All I'm thinking when I surf Indonesian fashion bloggers' blog is.. where the hell did they get enough $$$ to buy those lovely stuffs?! Some might design it themselves, but some might buy it all. So Looklet and Polyvore don't help much about my poorness.

Mummy invited me to make a clothing line. But actually, I can't draw. I can't design innovatively, making stuffs that haven't exist before, innovative designs, yadayadayada.. RRRRRR SO HARDDDD. And now, in this hot hot day with the summer breeze and killing summer sunshine, I'm doing this thing like a work-less-woman alias orang kurang kerjaan. With minim stuffs.. Don't laugh, errr.

In this poorness, I still got my pride. This old-skool-styled pair of shoes, it was my mum's since she was in high skool.

By the way, tas anyaman kepunyaan nyokap gue itu sebenernya ransel.

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