
when life is more than something to live.

I have a million dozens of friends. And I admit that any kinds of people will always have that moment when they can't tell their problems with any of their friends, because:
  1. Maybe, it takes too much risks,
  2. Some may not be able to understand,
  3. Some will never care.
And this condition causes enough pain, this is complicated. I'm afraid of being a lunatic just because I hold my own problems inside, I'm stressed out. Life can't be more complicated than waking up at 1 AM with restrained thoughts in the chest to the neck which makes me cry with no reason, at almost every night. Even my pain killer can't kill this one. This is exhausting, holding these things are exhausting.

Sadar aja kan ini ngga enaknya jadi manusia, karena lo bakalan selalu punya masalah, dan kadang-kadang gatau gimana cara mecahinnya, dan rasanya itu kayak gak punya kepala. Gak kayak anjing atau kucing yang hidupnya diabisin dengan makan, tidur, boker, makan tidur, boker.

And in a time like this, you'll always feel like you don't have friends, not even a person next to your seat.

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