
we are not what you think we are!

Isn't it out of your sense if you do common things almost every teenagers do that actually barely give negative impacts even for a short period of time or a small scope of people (kalo yang segitu aja engga, apalagi yang gede kan), but the people around made a big deal about it?

Isn't it out of your sense if you just want to make a FAMILY with a couple of people, but they only see it once and believe only in their first impression then it sounds forever a negative shit for them?

Shortly, it all was just about a little circle of people wearing the same jacket to school, and got judged by others that this little circle of people is a gang. If you said we're a gang, well I tell ya we're more than just a gang. We're a family, and the jacket is just a symbol of our coolness and togetherness that we put into something, pokoknya something banget yah... That's all.

Dan cuma gara-gara ini kita dibilang ngegeng, dan sepiknya sih takut kita ngelakuin sesuatu yang negatif kedepan. Oh big d00d, are you joking the shit out of us? We are old enough to know the do's and dont's. HOAHM. Why do you tell us to think positive while you don't do the same about us and this jacket? WHY? Lagipula jaket ini tuh bentuk keterlanjuran, kalo mau ngebahas soal kita geng2an sih udah telat banget karena sebetulnya CMR-secara-formal itu udah bubar, dan yang sekarang udah jadi keluarga.

Oh and 'the others' who try to make new rules, and new culture to this place, what a well well zonk. What's the big deal to laugh out loud at the corridor? Laugh as much as you live. Even your seniors don't get annoyed if you craze around whenever they walk by. I mean this place is built for us to use, not only you or me. But us, this is OURS, big d00d. Go make your own if you want to put some new rules.

And don't mean to rebel, I just chill it up. I mean, why these small things have to be bigger if it only causes more and more problems, and we all will just solve problems by problems in the end. Makanya kalo liat orang tuh jangan cuma sekali, kalo baca masalah tuh jangan sepihak, kalo ngenal orang jangan dari luar aja, first impression sometimes kills.

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