
No Messages Could've Been Any Clearer

Supp people?! It’s the third day of 2012, and I don’t really feel the atmosphere, is it me or it is seriously not as strong as a freshman year or passing through your birthday. Just a couple of rainy days, sleeping all day long like a boss. Or maybe I don’t feel it because I don’t celebrate it like literally celebrate it happily, though my parents held a party here, friends, a bomber making murals, beers, BBQs, nachos, fireworks and stuffs, I was just laying on my bed with internet on cause none of my friends came -_- forever alone.. and this is like, my first time being a forever loner at new year.

Well now, does anyone feel the same way with me? NO, I’m not talking about that forever alone feelings, I’m talking about something like a fear(not about the doomsday issue). This country is not that safe anymore. Violence, disunity, crimes, murder and more are blindly everywhere. Well I don’t really take an eye of each problems but every single time I watch the news, each channels always have at least 1 or 2 news about those problems. Don’t you see? Every lines from every regions are like having that one thing to be disputed. And maybe it doesn’t happen only at our country, it happens in all over the world. Human rights violations and wars. Those issues end 2011 badly.

Drawing by NUTS

A few times ago, I was impressed with what I saw, the sum of products and community which do campaigns to stop violence are increased. Wow, wasn’t that a good thing? It means that some people didn’t totally suck, they still cared. But seeing these things are happening everywhere, some other people who do suck, are like literally, totally, obviously do suck. First they don’t care about their own safe, nor the people around them, the people they love. Second thing, campaigns are everywhere, they don’t care about the campaign, they do suck twice. And will be thrice when they do the crime.

But people do suck not only by violence, we all know it’s 2012 and technology rules, totally. People consume much technology that some can even just stay at home and do EVERYTHING. Buy stuffs, work, send documents, have fun. I mean, have you watch WallE and see how terrible the world and its contents are? The world becomes a giant dump and cannot be lived by creatures anymore so that the human beings live on asomething likespace ship, you can barely see a tree, a tree would mean so much like a treasure. People become fat cause they just sit on their futuristic seat, eat junk food and do everything by their hologram monitor, they can’t even walk.

That’s not how we plan for our future, right? Being a fat-ass on a silly space ship with a captain who is a fat-ass too. These technologies do help, but consume it right. If you really need it well use one. If you’re one of those bitches who’s dying for an iPhone and can’t even use it well just show it off to your friends and proud by using Instagram -_- grow up, kid, you do literally, totally, obviously, SUCK. Whatsoever, you'll be a fat-ass who's not able to walk on a futuristic seat and die that way, not good.

If the issue says the end of the world will be in 2012, well I don’t believe in issues. But who knows if the pre-doomsday will if we don’t make the world a better place? Well take a look at yourself and make a change, then. ;-)

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